About CABV
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About CABV
My name is Thomas Vriens and I am the owner of Cultural Advice Bureau Vriens. With my professional team of project employees I work for and along with museums and other culture of heritage institutions on dozens of projects a year. Quality is our trademark, however big or small the assignment.
I started my career at the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, the Netherlands, the city where I went to university. As an Egyptology student I was primarily interested in the scholarly part of the institute, whereas I gradually broadened my scope to include every part of the fields of activity museums had to offer, ranging from education to security and from exhibition management to finance.
People who know me well describe me as intelligent, resourceful, stubborn and enthusing, qualities that did not seem to fit one particular job. I therefore decided to start my own firm. Being continuously involved with all the separate specialities has helped me to get the overall picture and connect the dots.
It is my ambition to join effort with all those who try to translate their knowledge and experience to others in the world of art, heritage and culture.